The Urals is one of the richest, most beautiful and multifaceted regions of Russian Federation.
It is endowed with unique resources, nature objects, history, art and its atmosphere.
All of this creates big interest in familiarization with the region and further its exploration not only for the natives, but for foreigners who want to know about beauty and diversity of Russia behind her European part as well.
It can be proved by the growth of the inbound tourism that has increased over the past few years indicating the touristic demand.
Despite that, one of the problems foreign tourists may face is the lack of useful, convenient and constructed information written in English, the most popular language of international communication. In order to fix the problem, I propose this project, which is designed to help foreign tourists to learn about the Urals and its touristic side. With this aim in mind, information about is structured and translated into English; moreover, the information cite will be developed.
The purpose of my research is to collect, summarize and present relevant information about the Urals and its most attractive places for tourists of different directions.